This Query has 6 replies
whether may be used interchangeable words in accounts
Vendor for Trade Payable
inward for purchase
outward for sales
input for receivable
revenue for income.
This Query has 1 replies
is input or receivable interchangeable words some person used GST Input or some used GST receivable.
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what is inoperative expenses and how to adjust it.
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Excess income received or excess expenses paid, how to adjust it in closing books of accounts.
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How to adjusted deffred expenses in book of accounts.
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what type of expenses or income adjusted at the beginning of the Financial year.
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How to adjusted Profit /Loss of company and LLP.
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How to adjusted advances given or receipt against purchase or expenses and income or sales.
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How to bifurcate of prepaid expense.
Days wise or month wise Please reply.
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what are meaning of
Negative closing balance of credit card
Negative closing balance of Bank account.
Interchangeable words in accounts