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what is meaning of
Interest accrued and Due
Interest accrued but not due
and what is accounting group for above mention the both term.
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what is meaning of merging of expenses or income in accounts or assets or liabilities.
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what is meaning of mismatch of group in accounting.
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is receivable or recoverable same thing, is current assets.
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interest expenses when to capitalised or charged to profit and loss account.
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whether interest on working capital is capitalised or charged to profit and loss account.
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what is meaning of cumulative method of interest in the case of FDs.
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what is meaning of capitalized,
when interest accrued on FDs to be capitalized.
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whether interest accrued on FDs is taxable on accrual basis also. whether interest receivable on taxable on accrual bsisi also.
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whether income is taxable on accrual or received basis for company and LLP
Meaning in the terms of accounts