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LCI Learning

Vijay Mishra
14 April 2021 at 15:08

Increase in closing stock

Dear Sir,
Greetings !
Our stat auditor has increased the closing stock with 50 lac at the time of finalisation of balance sheet under Change in inventory. our books of account does match with that amount. Please advise which entry should be passed into our books of accounts to make the number same.
Thanks in advance.
With best regards / Vijay

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Vaneet Monga
13 April 2021 at 13:30

Fixed deposit 15G fom

Dear Sir

WE have Fixed deposit in a bank Interest on fixed Deposit approximately Rs.33200/- So bank will deduct TDS on interest or note. 2nd Can i need to sumbit 15G form in a bank. my annual income is less then 2.50 lac

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Mahabir Prasad Agarwal
07 April 2021 at 09:53

HSN entry in tally erp 9

Without creating any stock ledger, is there any method to enter HSN codes in the sales invoices ?

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05 April 2021 at 14:33

Regarding transportation charges

I hve a doubt regarding sales entry when there are transportation charges .could anyone plz clarify me how to pass entry in tally in seller company for sale of an item along vth transportation charges

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Our Company takes Overdraft Facility from Bank & gave Security of Property and its source of income is Rent Collection from Tenants, while a Tenant Gave Rs.50,000/- Advance at the time of Joining Home(2018) & Last 6 Months he didn't pay rent of Rs.36,000/- on Feb 28th, 2021 he vacated and We deducted All 6 Months Pending Rent Receivables Rs.36,000/-,Painting charges Rs.6,000/- and Returned Him Rs.8,000/- How can I record these are above transactions in Tally

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Can we make provision for income tax in case of sole trader as income tax is not expense for sole proprietorship business,it is owner's own expense?

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03 March 2021 at 22:34

Loan entry

If we took an unsecured loan of rs 5lakh @15%p.a in april-19 from ram. Accounting entry for
interest will be this
At the end of year
Interest Dr. 75000
To int.on ram's loan A/c 67500
To Tds payable 7500
Or credit to ram's account but if we credit to ram's account it will increase loan or principal amount.
Plz suggest how to do accounting

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Debasis Mukhopadhyay
20 February 2021 at 11:13

CSR Computation

A Ltd, not being a Company engaged in trading of share, has sold a part of its equity investment in its subsidiary, B Ltd. and thus earned a profit of Rs. 10,000 crores. This investment being a Long Term Investment, A Ltd paid LTCG Tax on the profit so earned. Now, while computing average 3-years Profit for computation of CSR expenses, will A Ltd consider this LTCG as an element of profit u/s 198 of the Companies Act, 2013 ?

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Ajay Mishra
08 February 2021 at 19:46

Spouse salary

Sir I m a private medical professional. My wife is also a doctor BAMS and retired few months back from govt job. Can I pay her salary from my clinic as an employee or for her services? Kindly advise me from IT point of view.
If yes. what kind of this income clubbed or separate ?

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puja b saraf

A private limited xompany has shown share application money in its book for 4 years.Money has been received by one of its director.what is the remedy available as per the law.

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