Booking of Rent income for F.Y. 2019-20

This query is : Resolved 

08 August 2020 Dear Sir,

One of my client used to show rent income received every year in his books of accounts.

But this year due to lockdown he was not able to take the cheque from the tenant before 31.03.2020. The tenant is now ready to give the cheque but the date of cheque is 31.07.2020.

Can this income be shown as a BRS entry in FY 2019-20 by preparing the bill for rent received on 31.03.2020 and amount received date as 31.07.2020. TDS is also applicable on this rent.

Please help me in this matter.

Divyesh Jain

08 August 2020 Account rental income based on accrual basis and TDS based on 26AS.

08 August 2020 Thanks a lot sir......

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