09 March 2020
if any ca is in practice. and doing audit of some entities and opens a another sole proprietorship practice entity in the name of his wife (his name is not in new practice firm) for account maintenance of same entities( in reality he is maintaining account) of whom he is doing auditing . Is it valid in eyes of law because the main purpose of various provisions is that the auditor must be independent . but threat of self review is exist here.
09 March 2020
Not only company auditor subject to disqualifications but also tax auditor is also subject to similar disqualifications to protect the interest of government revenue.
Kindly check section 288(2) of income tax act,
Since spouse comes under the definition of relationship, he is disqualified to become tax auditor
09 March 2020
I mean relative..
Section 288(2) clearly says similar provisions of company auditor disqualifications are applicable to tax auditor also.It has given few provisions for tax auditor disqualifications