26 February 2018
My articleship has ended on 15th of feb 2018 as per records and I've sent my form 103 to ICAI as well. The confirmation letter has not yet reached to me, neither by way of letter or on site.
now my CA is threatening me to serve extension and if i dont do so he'll send termination letter..will it have any effect once my form103 reaches ICAI?
And for the exam form should i submit declaration for completed articleship or the other one available for the ongoing articles?
reply asap.
26 February 2018
1. The form prescribed for completion is 108 and not 103.
2 .In page 5 of the form 108 (report of practical training) your employer CA has to sign and seal.
If the (1) and (2) is complied, termination letter has no value. Please understand form 109 has to be send for termination and in page 1 both employer CA and Articled assistant has to sign.
For certificate of service to be attached to the examination form, your signature alone is required since form 108 is forwarded to ICAI.