Application for TAN No.

This query is : Resolved 

27 September 2008 Can anyone advice me how to apply for TAN No. for deduction of TDS, I think only applying for TAn NO. is sufficient for deducting TDS and other related formalities like quarterly deposits and return filing. Can anyone explain me the details procedure and the office in south delhi where this formalities will be done. My client office is in Lado Sarai, South delhi.

28 September 2008 Apply in Form 49B for TAN.Forms will be available in the office of unit trust on india office at delhi at a price of Rs.5/-.Filled up application can also be submitted at the same office with a fee of Rs 67/-.

28 September 2008 get it from the following :

28 September 2008 agreed with mr warrier and ramkumar

28 September 2008 Better u outsource your jobs if you see any diffivulty ,because lot of Foreign MNCs have outsourced this job also to lot of agencies in south delhi

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