Advance Income Tax Query

11 December 2024 Hi Team,
I am currently in Tax Bracket of 30% and recently started investing in FDs and found came across where it says if you earn income apart from Salary and tax liability is more than 10000 i need to pay Advance tax.

I have found out that my Yearly Interest income will be less than 40000.I am opting out for new regime .

1. Do I get the 40000 exempt from savings Interest for age group between 0-60 Years? If not then If I invest in Mutual funds instead and don't redeem then do i still have to pay advance tax ?
2. I am trying to understand if my company is calculating the TDS rightly on my Salary .It has below components
HRA -50
CAA -10
CPD -10
Deduction are
Provident Fund -16

How do i calculate my TDS based on above ?

Appreciate your help.


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