Retrospectively effect of explanation insert by amentments

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26 September 2011 plz tell me
"how we know that an explanation have retrospectively effect or not"

26 September 2011 when an explanation is having retrospective effect it is mentioned in the explanation itself i.e. it is effective from such old date

26 September 2011 An explanation / amendment which is "clarificatory in nature" will generally be retrospective ,unless a specific date is mentioned therein.

29 September 2011 well mr. chackrapani i respect you, but i don't believe that explanation/ amendment should be applied retrospectivly as it will troubles a lot

29 September 2011 clarificatory explanation is added as because of unavailability of that explanation, it was troubling the department.
the explanation is added to remove doubts for the further problems, not for old problems which may have been resolved in courts or elsewhere

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