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11 March 2009 i hv decuded to change my firm since its been 2 yrs for me working in the office and i see myself still as dummy article inspite of being sincere in my attendance

coz of financial crisis at ny home i m looking forward for a firm which can impart good training to its articles as a priority with good stipend too

it seems difficult to me since ground reality remains that i don't know much abt core work

how much does it matters being pcc clear

11 March 2009 Have an open discussion with your present employer,give emphasis for your financial dificulties, terminate your articles and join in another CA firm of your choice. Wish you good luck.

11 March 2009 I agree with the views of warrier sir, but its little bit difficult to find out such firms which pay good stipend and quality work. If you belong to a metro city, then you may expect this.

11 March 2009 If you are in delhi, then you can try in some firms at CP and south delhi.

11 March 2009 In PCC it may not create a major difference, but in Final exams, definitely good articleship helps a lot

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