To carry on the business of distillers, rectifiers, methylators, brewers, malsters and make, import, export and deal in country and foreign wines, spirits and liquors potable, commercial, industrial powder and absolute alcohols, rectified, methylated sweet spirits, beers, aerated waters, mineral waters and dry ice.
To carry on all or any of the business of distillers, importers, exporters, wine and spirit manufacturers, bottling of Indian Manufactured foreign liquors bottle makers, bottle stopper makers, manufacturer of and dealers in aerated and mineral waters and other drinks and licensed victuallers.
To carry on business of brewers and molesters, hop merchants and growers, malt extract and corn flours.
Cold storage
To carry on the business of producing, growing, dealing, exporting, importing, stocking, trading, distributing, storing and preserving of potatoes, fresh vegetables, agricultural products, fruits, dry fruits, oil seeds, spices, fruit juices, ice candy, ice cream and other ice products, carbonated, aerated mineral water, dairy products, wines, liquors and other alcoholic and synthetic drinks, bardanas, hessians in cold storage.