Dear sir
Last week i make e invoice in tally prime and also make ewaybill value 100000+ , but i have try to typical error einvoice cancellation, by mistake cansel for ewaybill for that time, i have identify this mistake for later, how to solve this problem , please do the need help
One of my party make 10 supplies per day against challan within Delhi where cost including GST is less than Rs,50,000.... Can party issue SINGLE TAX INVOICE for ten days of all supplies
Answer nowI have a money-back Insurance policy with AGEAS FEDERAL (formally known as IDBI FEDERAL).
I have paid premiums for 10 years, and now, from this year onwards, I will be getting around Rs. 2,85,000 per annum back for the next 5 years. This year I got Rs. 284705.18 credited in my bank account.
What is the taxability of this receipt?
Kindly advise
sir, i have filed a belated return(itr2) of client for ay 2024-25 on 14 dec2024 claiming there in income of 2 minor children (bank fd interest income)(return filed in mother's pan) and also claimed tds deducted under pan number of respective minor child as per form 16a of rs 17685 correctly. while processing this return they have issued refund of only one child's tds rs 8825 hence subsequently rectification request filed which was processed now with laibility of rs 8860 (17685 minus 8825 ) thus disallowing entire tds amt of rs 17685. reason given is Form 26AS does not contain amount
of TDS/TCS with respect to the
TAN mentioned in schedule TDS 1/. as such pl guide me how to rectify the case. thanks.
Dear All,
Can you please share the Indian GL code for below expenses
Singapore GL -Description INDIA GL Account
048000 Low-Value Assets - Cost
048010 Low-Value Assets - Depn
141000 Group company receivables
147000 Receivables I/C
154000 Other Receivables - 3rd party
154200 Deposits Receivable
154201 Deposits Receivable > 1 Year
154400 Employee Receivables
126060 State Bank of India A/C XXXX - INR
126061 State Bank of India A/C XXXX - INR
098000 Deferred Charge & Prepaid Exp
161000 Amounts Payable to Group Companies 1 year
097400 Provision for Remaining Holiday
097600 Provision for Year-End Costs (Ext)
097800 Provision for Outstanding Invoices
097850 Provision for Outstanding Invoices I/C
97250N Provision for restoration obligations
081000 Subscribed Capital
082000 Retained Earnings
273500 Income from Provision Release
437607 Licence EDV Software I/C
496000 Bank charges and Other Payment Costs
265000 Interest Income - Banks
220000 Corporation Tax
220099 Corporation Tax - Accrual
What are the implications if, due to certain situations, ITC is being temporarily reversed and the same is kept therein without being permanently reversed or reclaimed lateron ??
Answer nowA person (X) enters into a contract with a company (Y) to supply labor for executing a specific work. X is obligated to provide the required labor but does not supervise or control their work. The company (Y), as the principal employer, directly pays wages to the laborers to ensure compliance with labor laws (such as timely payment, EPF deductions, etc.). X is paid separately as a percentage of the labor supplied. Given that:
1. X does not act as an agent of Y but has an obligation to supply labor for a specific work.
2. The wages are paid directly to laborers, not routed through X.
3. X receives a fixed percentage payment based on the labor supplied.
Would the payment to X attract TDS under Section 194C (supply of labour for carrying out work) or Section 194H (commission/agent)? Additionally, should TDS under 194C be deducted on the wages paid directly to laborers?
I need professional second opinion. I had filled an income tax appeal in feb 2024 through a lawer/CA. Since then I have been asking them when will be appeal heard and they saying that they have not received hearing notice. As year 2024 ended and finacial year is about to end also in 20 days I am worried sick so I asked them again they said same thing again but after that I received following message on 6 March 2025. Am I right that they forgot to do something earlier and wasted my time ? I can not confront them without professional opinion.
Thank You very much for your time.
1 Feb 2024
Informational Message :- Fw: [ITBA]Enablement of Communication Window
6 March 2025
Response to Notice ID ITBA/NFAC/S/62/2023-24/1060361890(1) successfully submitted
Response to Notice ID ITBA/NFAC/S/62/2023-24/1060355811(1) successfully submitted
can someone please tell me in which college(s) the ca inter exams are held in SATARA ?
Answer now