First of all A Very H@ppY NeW Ye@R 2012 to all Members...
Please help me regarding following topic..
I have to form a Joint Venture between 3 companies to carry on specific business. Please provide either draft of joint venture agreement or checklist of points which need to considered while drafting such Joint Venture Agreement.
05 January 2012
Prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association in consultation with the joint venture partners , get them printed and suitably stamped, and submitting the same with required documents like statutory declaration u/s 33 of the Companies Act 1956 {Act} and Form no.18 u/s 146 of the Act regarding address of the registered office, to ROC along with fees payable.
On receipt of certificate of incorporation, the new company may start business,
05 January 2012
1-The proportion of shareholding in the joint venture company. 2-Specify nature of shares, indicate their transferability conditions. 3-Composition of the Board of Directors, Appointment of Chairman ,Quorum of Board meetings ,Casting vote provisions. 4-General meeting. 5-Appointment of CEO/MD. 6-Appointment of Management Committee. 7-Important decisions with mutual consent of partners. 8-Dividend policy. 9-Funding provisons. 10-Access conditions. 11-Change of control/exit clauses. 12-Anti-compete clauses 13-Maintaining Confidentiality. 14-Indemnity clauses. 15-Assignment. 16-Break of deadlock. 17-Dispute Resolution. 18-Applicable law. 19-Force Majeure. 20-Termination provisions.