Kindly provide us a Check-list as to what all the documents to be prepared for appointing a new auditor otherthan the retiring one.
Sec. 225 of the Companies Act, 1956 specify for a special notice from members within such and such time and the circulation thereof.
The copy of Special Notice to be given to the retiring auditor and his representation to be given to the members.(or else to take the permission of Central Govt.)
We do not want to go for Central Govt. permission.
25 March 2009
1. Special notice to Retiring Auditor. 2. Right of representation made by pr. auditor in AGM. 3. Resolution passed for not appointment of pr. auditor. 4. Resolution passed for appointment of new auditors. 5. No need to take Central Govt. permission. (This is needed only if you want to change auditor during the year).
However, on receipt of the copy of special notice by the (previous) Statutory Auditor, they would like to make representation. If the same may be defamatory, I may have to take the permission of CLB (Now Cen. Govt.)Please enlight me how I can avoid such a situation?