Wrong assessment year in the self assessment challan

This query is : Resolved 

15 November 2011 Dear Experts,

While making a Self Assessment Tax challan for assessment year 2011 - 12, I wrongly wrote the assessment year as 2010 - 11 and the challan has been processed by the bank and also I get the BSR Code and challan number. Kindly tell me now how to rectify this mistake. How i will get my money back.

I did not file the returns.

Please Guide me soon.

Thank you in advance,


16 November 2011 Write a simple letter to AO and get a proof of INWARDS Format of letter is below.

Date :

The Income Tax Officer – Range :


Sub: Request for Rectification of Assessment Year
in Self Assessment Tax challan.

Ref: PAN – “ABCDE 1234 D”

This is with reference to challan shown in the following table. While making payment of Self Assessment Tax, wrong Assessment Year was selected through oversight.

Challan BSR
A.Y. as per Challan (Incorrect)
A.Y. which is Correct

While making online payment of Self Assessment Tax through ______ bank, Assessment year was WRONGLY taken as 2010-11 in above mentioned challan. The said challan is in respect of financial year 2010-11. Thus, CORRECT A.Y. is 2011-12.

We therefore request you to kindly make the necessary correction in your records. We further request that the credit of above challan shall be given in A.Y. 2011-12 and not in A.Y. 2010-11. We are also enclosing a photocopy of the said challan. (Copy of Challans are enclosed)

We regret for our inadvertent mistake. Inconvenience caused to you is highly regretted.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

For , Mr. Xyz


17 November 2011 My Dear friend,

You will have to prove it by showing the challans of previous year and current year.
They may take time for this.
It happened in one of my Company in which no period was mentioned by CA. Then I have to do lots of struggle with Income Tax Department.
Because no period was mentioned in that, we ourself wrote the period and took letter from the Bank that it related to that particular period. When nothing happened, we wrote a letter to Additional Commissioner on the recommendation of TRO, then they gave us the credit.

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