While making a S.A.Tax challan for Assessment Year 2010-11, I wrongly wrote Assessment year as 2011-12 & the challan has been processed by the bank. Now how to rectify this mistake?
31 July 2011
Now whenever you file return of AY 2011-12, claim the Self Assessment Tax in that retun and if there is no tax in AY 2011-12 then the same shall be refunded to you.
As far as 2010-11 is concerned, pay your tax again this time quoting the correct AY. 1 more thing, if you have tax in 2010-11 and if you are filing the return after 31/03/2011, then you are lible for a penalty of Rs. 5000.
Querist :
Querist :
01 August 2011
I am aware of this solution kindly provide some other solution. The return has been already filed.