Wrong annual report filed with roc

This query is : Resolved 

08 April 2012 A company has filed wrong Annual report to ROC.

It has filled wrong paid up capital amount in form 20B.
As per form 20B our Paidup capital is Rs.200000. but in form 23AC it is 500000 (correct).

It has also make mistake in attachment of form 20B.

Now what is the procedure to change the form 20B. Whether we can revise the return.

09 April 2012 Yes you can file revised return. Check out the answer to question no 6 from below link of MCA21 site---


6. Can we do revised filing of already filed Annual filing eForm?

Yes, revised filing of Annual filing eForm can be done in respect of the Forms already filed but the fees for subsequent revised filing shall be charged, assuming it as a new filing.

09 April 2012 Yes the expert is given you to the point reply and you can do it follow the advise of the expert

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