Wrong Account Number on the Refund Cheque

This query is : Resolved 

06 September 2010 Hey guys
any one tell me one thing
we was filed a incometax return AY 2009-10 on 30th september 2009.and the return was tax audit and so we file return efile mode. but mistakely we mentioned our wrong bank account in the return. we received refund amount 8000/- but the bank account number mentioned on the cheque is wrong. and one thingh we received refund from Banglore. we wants to change account number on the cheque what is procedure

06 September 2010 It seems that as u have mentioned a wrong A/c no. in the IT return, the refund order has also been received accordingly.

However, write a letter to the ITO/AO furnishing the releant details containg your Bank A/c no. Probably, the dept. would ask to furnish the Affidavit on Rs. 100/ stamp paper and then they will issue a fresh Refund Order with correct A/c no.

06 September 2010 Write a letter to the A. O. and mention the correct bank a/c no. now and follow up with the A. O. for issue of refund cheque at the earliest.

07 September 2010 but we file return e file mode so we write application to banglore incomet tax department or our nearest income tax office

07 September 2010 First contact to your Range Office ITO and explain your case, probably he will guide the procedure to be followed and the authority to whom the application is to be made.

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