One lorry with glass jar materials coming from Hyderabad. In the bill not mentioned tin no of consignee. For this how much amount collected by Sales tax dept. and way bill is necessary for this? in AP. DC and bill is there.
16 December 2011
Mr Author, If just mentioning of TIN no is left out you produce a copy of your RC and the get the goods released.If you do not have a registration no then you have to pay double the amount of tax that may be liable in this state. MJK
26 August 2012
In APVAT Act, whenever material is sent to outside the state, the TIN Number is must to fill in the Waybill. Are you sure the lorry (consignment) is moved to your state without TIN number. Or is it an assumption.
As already replied by the expert, you will be liable to pay penalty/advance tax double the amount.