Why raising a invoice under gst

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
02 July 2017 why raising a invoice under GST for services , GST will be charged in single Rate @ 18%
or charged
CGST @ 9%
SGst @ 9%
which method ashould be followed.

02 July 2017 Dear Sir/Madam., If you understand GST. GST tax rates are common to A good/service that tax is to the good/service. Then it ll be split two/three categories like IGST-CGST-SGST. The Inter state supplies can get IGST. Intra state suplies can get CGST & SGSTyou know.. Then come to the point (In my View).... The Invoice under previous tax regime by Mfg : Bill - Within State: Ass. Value = XXXXX BED = XXXX (Central Tax) VAT = XXXX (State Tax) Bill - Inter State : Ass.Value = XXXXX BED = XXXX (Central Tax) CST = XXXX (Central Tax) BED & CST is central tax. It's converted to IGST BED & VAT is central Tax & State tax. It's converted to CGST & SGST.... Can you understand... You can follow, If you raise invoices to Inter State supply you follow IGST. If you raise invoices to Intra State supply you follow CGST & SGST. So, simple........

Read more at: https://www.caclubindia.com/experts/why-raising-a-invoice-under-gst-2506239.asp

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