Why only boys

This query is : Resolved 

23 December 2013 i have searched alot ...always i find only boys names as ca... very very less no. of girls are there...y is this happening...m a girl too n i want to become a ca.. m very scared.. plz help

23 December 2013 Hi Riya,

Don't be scared, passing ratio among girl is higher compared to boys. And whatever be the odds believe in your self. Believe me when examiner checks papers they don't know paper is written by girl or boy.

All the best! !

24 December 2013 Girls are proving their strengths in every field of life........U will surely become CA..... In my own friend circle......almost my 5-10 female friends already become CA....

24 December 2013 well as other experts said, numbers are increasing attempts after another. rather lot of girls are also going for practice these days. So no worries, go ahead and pursue CA.

24 December 2013 It may be because qualified female not active in caclubindia as same as male ca s participation to site

13 January 2014 thankew ...nw m feeling more relief

13 January 2014 you are welcome friend :)

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