Which itr to be filed

This query is : Resolved 

27 July 2014 Dear All,

Can a persona having income from Telecommunication bus. (selling the mobile top-ups and recharge etc.) file his return of Income in ITR-4S for the A.Y. 2013-14 and A.Y. 2014-15. Also he has received form 16A under the head 194H.

If yes, then what would be the nature of bus. and it's code in the ITR-4S.

Also in case of Sec 44AD, what are the general deductions that are allowed under the head 80C.

Thanks in Advance !!!

27 July 2014 it appears that the income is in nature of commission. So 44AD cannot be used. kindly file return on the basis of 44AA and 44AB and use ITR4

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