Which is good course with cs to get job abroad

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24 December 2011 First of all happy christmas to all.secondly sir i am going to appear for my cs final in june but after completation of my cs i want to go abroad with 4to5 yrs work experience so i want to know which course is good for me with cs to get well paid jobs in middle east or austrailia

26 December 2011 Law is the best with CS but as u r planing for abroad, i think MBA would be better in ur case

26 December 2011 Fst of all dear i wanna tell that ICSI course is relevant to the Indian Statute as u read in your course, so as far my view is concerned its not advisable to go abroad on the basis of CS, rather than u can have some another degree which is internationally recognised with cs, than u can go for it.

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