Whether a ca is eligible for ph.d

02 November 2013 whether a ca is eligible for PH.D.

I read MOU between ICAI and association of Indian universities.
As per MOU
(1) Only graduate with CA final exam only eligible.
(2) No % criteria is given, it means a graduate with ca final exam passed is eligible.

But Rajasthan university deny admission. Uniraj give admission only those student who qualify their Ca Final exam with 55% or more marks without considering passing attempt. It Means a student pass ca final exam with aggregate 55% or more marks (whether he/she take 2 or more attempt) is better then a ca student he/she pass his/her ca final exam in first attempt and one setting having less than 55% marks.

02 November 2013 Yes ,CAs are permitted for phd.list of universities approving CAs for phd is there on icai's website

02 November 2013 you can find the list at


02 November 2013 A qualified Chartered Accountant doesn’t need to do his post graduation or mere graduation to pursue Ph.D and can continue his Ph.D with reputed Universities just like a post graduate student does.

06 November 2013 First of all, Thanks to all of You.

But it not give overall view. I give my opinion and Main point of conversation with relevant department of University of rajasthan

I read MOU between ICAI and association of Indian universities. As per MOU (1) Only graduate with CA final exam only eligible. (2) No % criteria is given, it means a graduate with ca final exam passed is eligible. But Rajasthan university deny admission. Uniraj give admission only those student who qualify their Ca Final exam with 55% or more marks without considering passing attempt. It Means a student pass ca final exam with aggregate 55% or more marks (whether he/she take 2 or more attempt) is better then a ca student he/she pass his/her ca final exam in first attempt and one setting having less than 55% marks.

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