What is my mistake?

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13 February 2012 I had given may 2010 ipcc , preparations were average.Attempted 1st group ipcc ,exam performance - was like ..other than law , all were bad. result - fail.
acc:56 unexpected
law:40 "
cost fm:36

Nov 2011 exam, did good preparations for both groups.
revised 2 to 3 times.
Attempted both groups
exam performance: very good(i believed).
i was twice as confident than my first attempt about all exams and thought that i would pass with good marks.
(in acc1 costing fm , audit & it sm i knew i had performed exceedingly well ) . But the result was agian-FAIL
cost fm:40
it sm:33

this result has now made me low on confidence, i am not able to identify my mistakes, this result is also making me loose faith on this course.
PLEASE help.

13 February 2012 Dear Friend,

Mere gud preparation does nt make u pass exams. Planning element is also required. u may use following tips
1.Open past papers and solve it within 3 hours under stressful exam condition.

2.Prepare summary notes in Accts, FM, Cost where u r nt confortable.

3. Prepare amendments in Tax very well. Sud buy supplementary buk from ICAI

4. We have 180 minutes for 100 marks in exam for a single paper. Allot 1.8 min for 1 mark and solve in that speed.

5. Do revise theory n technical terms in a chain method like watever u learned on day 1 sud revise it on day 3 and so on.

6. Have a practical approach. Don mug up things. Understand d concept. "AISA KYUN HUA??? "

7. Finally don loose confidence. Its a key for success in life at every stage.

13 February 2012 Hey Generally we require the confidence to studies

I believe if your surrounded with the positive and happy people they your studies will be good

keep faith in yourself

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