What is due date

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
22 June 2017 what is due date for payment of service tax (under GST)

22 June 2017 For all dealer other than composition,due date for payment is 20th of next month.

22 June 2017 Payment of taxes by the normal taxpayer is to be done on monthly basis by the 20th of the succeeding month.

Cash payments will be first deposited in the Cash Ledger and the taxpayer shall debit the ledger while making payment in the monthly returns and shall reflect the relevant debit entry number in his return. As mentioned earlier, payment can also be debited from the Credit Ledger.

For e.g. Payment of taxes for the month of March shall be paid by the 20th of April. Composition tax payers will need to pay tax on quarterly basis.

Timing of payment will be from 0000 Hrs to 2000 Hrs.

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