Very urgent tan no

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
23 July 2014 Dear Experts,
our is a proprietorship concern. our proprietor had issued TAN no in his name instead of his proprietorship firm name.It was issued in the yr 2009-10 but till now TDS is deducted. Now my queries are:
1) how the name on the TAN NO is changed to proprietorship name so that the FORM 16 can be issued in that capacity?
2) what to do to activate the TAN no on traces portal so that form 16 can be issued?

24 July 2014 for a proprietor, TAN has been rightly issued in the proprietor's name.

pay the tds against the TAN and file TDS return. thereafter you shall be able to activate the tdscpc account

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