
This query is : Resolved 


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
28 December 2013 Can service tax return of 2007-08 be refiled under vces till 31 dec 2013....

28 December 2013 vces can not be filed for cases where st-3 already filed.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
28 December 2013 Sir can u please provide any supportive evidence regarding the same

28 December 2013 Dear Kabra Ji,

please read the provisions of the VCES. This forum is for clarifications of doubts. Please don't use it as a substitute of hard work.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
28 December 2013 sir did tht already, i had jst read an ebook by T B Chatterjee in which i found both favourable nd unfavourable comment on the same, thts the reason of my doubt

28 December 2013 Ok. see the position is that if you have filed the return and disclosed the correct tax liability earlier, then VCES is not applicable. However, is the true liability was not declared ie the liability was under-reported, then VCES can be applied for. There is no need to revise the service tax returns in such cases. Apply for VCES straight away.


Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
30 December 2013 the situation is like this

Actual liabilty=1000
Liability disclosed in return=800
Amount paid to dept.=800

Now if my friend want to disclose the remaining, can he go for the vces

If yes, please sir provide me with any article or some kind proof in order to prove it to my friend

30 December 2013 yes, you can dear. Please read the provisions of VCES here:

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