18 June 2013
"How to get the current vat rate of a product in a different states?
Weather to check the first vat act of the state in the official website of that state and then need to check all the amendments and notifications. Then you will get to know the current vat rate of a particular product in that state.
Is this procedure correct? Please suggest me.."
only i think in kerala govt. website the updated vat rate is mentioned clearly.
19 June 2013
There must be schedules in all state VAT Acts, which mention the rates applicable to different products. As regards Gujarat VAT Act, there are such schedules.. You just go through the Act of respective state to find if there is any such schedule, and then go through the schedule to get the rate applicable to a particular product.
19 June 2013
Sometimes states also issue notifications reducing the rates of tax on some commodities. For this purpose you have to see the notifications published in each year....mjk