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10 September 2022 Hi
I have two MCA user 1. Registered user and 2. Business User
Both are for same PAN.
Now on V3 I am not able to upgrade Registered user to Business User as it shows against same PAN user already exist.
I am not able to log in on V3 as Business User since I don't have password. I used to login by attaching DSC.
For Business User
When I do forgot password on V2 it shows- "'This funcationality is not availabe for DSC based authentication''
When I do forgot password on V3 using either same user ID of V2 or email ID of V2 registered it shows invalid user ID .

Please help.

11 July 2024 It seems like you're facing challenges in migrating your MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) user profiles from V2 to V3 and encountering issues with login credentials and user types. Here are steps you can take to resolve these issues:

### Issue 1: Upgrading Registered User to Business User

1. **User Existence Conflict:**
- If you're unable to upgrade the Registered User to Business User due to the system showing that a user already exists with the same PAN, you may need to check if there are duplicate profiles or errors in the data. Sometimes, contacting MCA support or the Helpdesk can resolve such conflicts.

2. **Contact Support:**
- Reach out to the MCA Helpdesk through their official channels. Explain your situation clearly, including the PAN details, existing user IDs, and the issue you're facing with the migration to V3. They should be able to assist you in resolving the profile conflict.

### Issue 2: Logging into V3 Business User

1. **Forgot Password Functionality:**
- Since you used DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) for authentication in V2, the "forgot password" functionality typically doesn't work for DSC-based authentication directly on V2 or V3 portals.

2. **Resetting Password for Business User:**
- To reset the password for your Business User on V3, you generally need access to the email ID registered with that user profile.
- If you're using the same email ID for both Registered User and Business User, ensure you are accessing the correct portal for each type (V2 for Registered User, V3 for Business User).
- If the forgot password option isn't working on V3, contact MCA support directly with your user ID and PAN details to request a password reset or further instructions.

### General Tips:

- **Clear Communication:** Clearly outline your issue when contacting MCA support or the Helpdesk. Provide all necessary details, including user IDs, PAN, and any error messages encountered.

- **Documentation:** Keep records of all communications and reference numbers provided by MCA support for future follow-ups.

- **Patience:** Resolving technical issues with government portals may take time due to system updates or workload. Be patient and persistent in seeking resolution.

### Contact Information:

- **MCA Helpdesk:** For specific assistance, visit the MCA website or contact their support team directly through email or phone. Contact details are typically available on their official website.

By following these steps and engaging with MCA support, you should be able to resolve the issues related to user migration and password reset effectively.

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