v v urgent help is need!

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
13 May 2011 Dear expert,

Whether a person is in possession of any information (which is against the revenue department)and wishes to notify the same to the department can submit the information to the income tax department.

whether the survey or raid or search or seizure will be conduct on that or not.

Please suggest me to the way to approach to the income tax department. coz it is the question of our National Interest.

Basically there is huge loss of revenue due to money laundring and non filing of Transfer pricing report to the department.

help india and blow the wistle!

please provide me name of the office or authority or email or other means to approach the department.

14 May 2011 Great thinking,
You can submit the infrmation. the details of to whom, office, and other details i will get you.

17 May 2011 Director General of Investigations, ARA Building, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi - 110055 and / or Chairman, CBDT, North Block, Central Secretariat, New Delhi - 110001

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