09 August 2011
We are URGENTLY in need of a corporate lawyer who can help us solve the dispute in a Pvt. Company.
The company ABC was found with capital from two brother 50-50%. Now one of brother who is managing Director ocuppied the factory, hire guards and not allow the other brother come into factory. This brother - managing Director had opened another company working in the same field and using all machines, materials of company ABC which is under dispute to do manufaturing for his own company.
Now what the other brother can do to stop IMMEDIATELY misusing machinery and materials according to law when he has no papers, document in his hand since he is not allowed to ascess the company premise. The managing Direstor also do forge signature and cook the book to make company ABC into bankcorrupt. EXPERT Please help. We need your advise!
10 August 2011
lodge a police complaint 1st, get shelter of court and freeze the bank accounts and obtain freeze permission for the specific premises, police will take care to do this.
the other director has to file suit for division of company in local court.