Transport Allowance

This query is : Resolved 

15 November 2007 Respected Sir,

If one employee had a job in a company for 1 month & 12 days and he is getting 2000 per month as Transport allowance and at that time he got rs. 2775{2000+(2000*12/31)}
then how much amt will be exempted for him u/s 10(14).
800 or 1600 or Proportionately i.e. 1109 {800+(800*12/31)}.

Anil Jain

16 November 2007 This has already been answered

17 November 2007 Proportionately Rs.1109.

17 November 2007 But in the TDS Software from where we Prepare form-16 there is only option to write the month in full completed months not in fraction months. Is this Software mistake or Law misintrpretation?

21 November 2007 It will be 1600

21 November 2007
Respected Experts,

Plz don't create confusion.Specify clearrly whether any circular,case Law in this regard.Mr.Suresh Said 1109 & same view of u hav different view .Plz reply.


Anil Jain.

01 December 2007 No it will be 1575 (i.e. 800+775)

03 December 2007 On what Basis?

03 March 2008 The amount allowed for deduction U/s 10(14) will be 800+proportionate amount.

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