17 November 2010
why dose closing balance not cite on trail balance, what are the reason, why dose it is cite on balance sheet assets side since it is Cr. balance
18 November 2010
Which closing balance? actually all the closing balance will affect in trial balance. if not affect in your trail balance it will not tally. so, please make sure your trail balance tallied or not?
Querist :
Querist :
18 November 2010
sorry I mean to say closing stock, this is not mention into Trail balance , what are the reason, and further since it is Cr. item then why dose it is sent to Assest side of B\sheet. kindly state in breif
18 November 2010
What kind of software are you using?
Basically Closing stock should be shows on Current assets side either b/s or t/b.
but, some software people may did like as you said. bcoz, they want to develop stock analysis, etc.,. so, its depend upon software program. if you want to clarify you just check with current asset groups inside.