Time limit of filing returns.

This query is : Resolved 

16 July 2015 Dear Expert,

can u explain me the time limit of filling Income Tax return of Individual, HUF, AOP, Company ??? i.e. for A.Y.2015-16, up to how much no of years we can file returns or rectify.

16 July 2015 For such corporate assessees which is required to furnish a report u/s 92E(transfer pricing) of the Income Tax Act, 1961: 30-11-2015;

For all other Corporate assessees: 30-09-2015;

For non corporate assessees, (such as Partnership Firm ,prop Firm) whose accounts are required to be audited under Income tax act: 30-09-2015;

For working partners of Partnership firms covered above: 30-09-2015;

For any other assessees earning salaried Income, Income from House property, Interest income, Business Income where accounts are not required to be audited: 31-08-2015 (extended from 31-07-2015).

16 July 2015 For Individual its 31st August'15 this year
Company's - 30 sept 15

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