Time limit for revised form 16 and filing revised ITR

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08 November 2019 I am a KPTCL employee retired during feb 2015. At the time of retirement tax on leave encashment was not deducted. After recieving the notice from IT department KPTCL has paid TDS on leave encashment and started deducting tax from my pension monthly in instalementss.

As there is some discrepencies in tax deducted and excess demand from IT, I would like to file revised ITR for the year 2014-15 for which KPTCL has to give revised form 16.

Is there any provision for giving revised form 16 for the previous years and to file revised ITR in such cases.

30 May 2020 Yes Form 16 Can be revised. Ask the deductor to file for TDS Rectification Statement.

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