Tds on salary

This query is : Resolved 

17 July 2014 Dear Members, Since the budget has came on 10th july 2014 and the exemption limit below 60 yrs has been extended to Rs. 250000/-.But while calculating TDS on salary for the month of april may and june we have calculated it on the basis of Rs. 200000/- exemption limit.Please clarify whther we should again calculate it from april onwards or we should calculate it from july onwards on the basis of Rs. 250000/- limit.

17 July 2014 Dear Sucheta till now the budget has not been passed and this will b applicable from next financial year. so for this year 2.5L is the limit.

17 July 2014 2.5L will be applicable from this year for TDS on salary or Rs. 250000/-?

17 July 2014 No no, u r in mistake. It will b applicable from 1st April 2015.

Mr Jaitley just present his views. Now it will b passed by the higher authorities and then will b applicable from 1st April 2015 onwards.

18 July 2014 Thank u Sir. I was in confusion because someone told me that i have to recalculate it from april onwards

18 July 2014 Ur Welcome dear friend.

And do not calculate from April. U r provided a wrong information.

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18 July 2014 sir in forum everyone is saying to recalculate it from april onwards.i m totally confused

18 July 2014 No dear till now the budget is not passed. And it will b going to b applicable from next financial year. So how can u calculate from the current financial year?

18 July 2014 Sir everyone is saying that it will be applicable from fy 14-15

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