26 February 2014
HI, i, Sudheer Kumar, want to know whether interest on TDS has to be paid or not,
1. 'x' ltd is a company entered with an agreement for rent of a office premises @Rs. 150000 per month from april'13 to sep'13 and Rs.500000 per month from October onwards. 2. 'x' ltd has paid the following amounts without invoices
a. 07/12/2013 - Rs.486958.00 b. 09/01/2014 - Rs.344642.00 c. 23/01/2014 - Rs.1350000.00 d. 24/01/2014 - Rs.158220.00 Total Amount Paid - Rs.2339820.00
TDS Amount Paid - Rs.259980.00 at 194I on 05/02/2014, for the above amount
26 February 2014
Yes TDS @ 10% is to be deducted from the very beginning as the limit of Rs.180000 exceeds. But invoice must be demanded from the landlord providing the landlord service.