19 February 2014
We have not deducted a TDS on Advertisement for the following Pymts. made, Rs.3,621/-, Rs.9,504/ and 11,518/- belong to one party and the last payment made on 07-02-2014, (total amounting to Rs.24,643/-), but chq. has not been issued for the last payment. The advertiser is a firm. whether the TDS has to be deducted on the whole Amt. of Rs.24,643/- as it is not crossing the permissible limit. Pls. reply thanks
19 February 2014
Since the total amount does not exceed Rs. 75,000 and any invoice does not exceed Rs. 30,000 TDS is NOT required to be deducted.
Querist :
Querist :
19 February 2014
Thanks Siddhartha for the Reply, but what if in the next month, the bill is raised for Rs.12,000/-, then also the TDS has not to be deducted in the same case. Can u pls. provide any of the Act in the above case. Thanks.