Tds- diduction

This query is : Resolved 

26 September 2014 Dear sir,

I have query about TDS deduction from my salary
I have changed my job in Jan2014,
my current company ducted my TDS but not deposited to department or even they not filed any TDS return , also am not getting form 16 form company , now the current company going to shout down. I wants to file my income tax return , I having form 16 up to Dec 2014 of my previous company.
TDS amt up to jan 2014- 95000/-
TDS amt jan-feb- march 14- 27000/-
While am go through 26as am not getting all credit of TDS but my was deducted by current company (Rs.27000)
I wants to file my IT return please guide me?

26 September 2014

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