18 June 2020 Dear sir/madam i want to file a request for correction for the FY 2013-14. in that my challans status are as follows
challan tax paid Tax claimed status
1 229275 142275 matched
2 112000 56000 unmatched this is wrong challan entered (only 2 challans in that quarter)
3 200075 200075 matched

i want to move deductee from challan no 2 to challan no 1. it say there is no challan having available balance to move dedutee.

thank you...

18 June 2020 For that you have to do correction request for that particular quarter and if need to add challan then do add challan and when you download conso and open it in utility then you have to put 0 in 2nd challan and add deductee in 1st challan and file the return.

18 June 2020 Until unmatched challan in statement consolidated fuv file request not accepted.

18 June 2020 Do you filed before with 3 challans for that quarter...???

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