02 January 2017 Sir,where for 6 months an employee is employed under one employer, and for another half year he employed under another employer than what is the provision of TDS on salaries.

ND (Expert)
02 January 2017 The employee has to disclose his salary from previous employer to the current employer. The current employer will calculate the salary from both the employers and then will deduct tax at source. In case the salary from previous employer is not disclosed then employee will have to pay short fall of tax on both the salaries in his income tax return.

03 January 2017 Employer should take declarations in which he has to take Confirmation of any other income, Employee should disclose income from previous employment and Tds if any based on that current employer will work income consider saving and TDS Arrive tax liability.

06 January 2017 Sir but when he resigns the past employer he has already got his salary from him,then why current employer deduct TDS taking into consideration past employer salaries also.

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