Tax on fd interested if more then 10k

This query is : Resolved 

20 July 2014 In last finance year I received total 18200 as interest from FD and bank detected 1820 as tax .

My question will i get benefit of secion 80TTA where10,000 will be tax free ande 8200 will be taxible ?

or i need to pay tax on full amount RS 18200.


20 July 2014 yes sec 80TTA is available to u so take 10,000 rs deduction.

20 July 2014 No. You can not claim deduction u/s 80TTA. Deduction is available only for saving bank interest. Deduction is not available for intetest on FD.

21 July 2014 agreed with Sanjay ji. 80TTA is available only on the saving bank a/c interest

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