Tax Deducted from Interest paid on loan

This query is : Resolved 

10 June 2011 Sir,
My client is partner in Firm, he purchase car on loan from TATA Capital Ltd. car shown in Firm payment made from firm.
My query is this interest amount attract TDS ? if yes can I show interest as expense in firms account? Loan in the name of partner it is possible to deduct TDS in firm?

10 June 2011 Hi,

TDS on Interest paid to banks for any service is excluded from income tax (TDS) provisions.

10 June 2011 Tata Capital Ltd is not a bank.

12 June 2011 Mr. K.K. Daruka, you are rignt Tata Capital is not a bank, but it's a private financing company, Now if firm/company pays interst on vehicle loan or housing loan then will TDS applicable on interest part ?.

12 June 2011 Mr Amit Bohra. Private financing companies are not exempted from TDS. Even if you are paying EMI you have to pay TDS seperately on the interest part of EMI and claim it back from the company. I know about many private finance companies including Tata Capital who are regularly paying back the TDS amount on production of Form 16A.

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