This query is : Resolved 

25 July 2020 Dear Friends
Rgds to all of you

My query is as follows: .

As we have to register our TAN and therefore we choose the category of tax deductor and collector but just after feeding TAN PNES40353F it is showing as follows:

1-Register with Traces
2-Login to Traces
3-Post login use the option register with e-filing

We are already registered on Traces and now in such case what should we do ?

Please guide me and oblige.

25 July 2020 Please register on traces portal first. and then you will be able to register for TAN login on E-filing portal. Regards CA Raj Doshi

25 July 2020 We are already registered on Traces and now in such case what should we do ?

26 July 2020 After you login into traces,on the left side under "Quick Links" there is an option available saying "Register at E-filing site"

26 July 2020 Thank you Raj Ji but it is not getting activated.

26 July 2020 Can u give me your contact number please

26 July 2020 Respected Raj sahab
Ist of all my best regards to you,
Problem has been fully solved.
Once again tks to you
Please give me yr contact number.

26 July 2020 Sir I have sent you PM with my contact number. Great to know that its solved.

26 July 2020 Thanks for your kind favour

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