27 April 2012
I surrendered ST-2 online for one of our client. The procedure which we followed are as follows: Loged on to www.aces.gov.in; clicked 'Reg'; Clicked on Reg No; Filled up last 3 column; Clicked on Surrender ST-2. Now we are getting the following message "The application for surrender of ST-2, service code number ....., has been submitted successfully" Doubt: Which one we have to take print, "the form which we have filed or the message" Now we are unable to view the form which we have filed and we are getting the message "THERE IS NO RECORD FOR SURRENDER AS SURRENDER REQUEST IS PENDING WITH THE DEPARTMENT" Kindly advice the next step as early as possible.
27 April 2012
You should intimate through letter to Service tax deptt regarding the surrender of ST Regn number and consequently they will approve it online and your Regn number will be cancelled. Also please attach with letter print of cancellation message shown after filling Surrender request.
27 April 2012
The printout of ST-2 before clicking 'submit' button would have been taken for filing purpose as well as client's copy. Now, the printout containing the message of successful filing duly signed by your client along with original ST-2 may be filed before the jurisdictional officer.