Study material and practice manual of icai

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22 October 2013 helo everyone
I m not confirmed about what to refer.. like in costing I have seen material of ICAI , AND I FELT TO REFER both study material for best undrstandng of variety of concepts or topics and practice manual for some more impotant questions.

actualy, I have done specific topics from sanjay aggarwal,but now m planning to make separate notes for variety clarity from modules and practice dfrnt range of more qustns frm dem..

I m following atlas method to note the doubt questions and imprtnt qustions which are must do before exams kind of..

what about this plan of referring icai modules properly for those chapters again..

and for theory , what about using sanjay aggrwal theory buk???

24 October 2013 Himanshi, only practice manual and sanjay aggrawal will be sufficient.You can not cover 100% varieties of questions in costing.Pay more attention to conceptual clarity.Further,do include RTP(current and previous 4-5 attempts) in your preparation

All the best

24 October 2013 ICAI material with practice manuals and RTPs of last 5 terms are the best combination to score good marks in Exams..
However, you also can practice the Mock test papers provided ICAI..


25 October 2013 ok thanks a lot vijeta mam and Aryan sir.. I agree to wat u said

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