Statutory audit interview

This query is : Resolved 

13 November 2013 I got call from EY for statutory audit interview. can someone guide me what type of questions they will asking? and how i should prepare for the interview?

13 November 2013 basically there are two rounds-HR round & technical.
In HR round you will be asked some basic questions like introduce yourself,your articleship experiences,achievements.In this round mainly your communication & presentation skills would be checked.
In technical rounds you will be given practical cases,AS & new companies act,2013 based questions.
They will also ask you about your willingness to relocate & your long term plan.
Further,there will be a specific question on why you should be selected instead instead of other persons?i.e. what is the advantage you hold that the other one doesn't.
There are teams of interviewers who are alloted batches of candidates.
There is a slight possibilty of GDs also.
Be very sure about what you are writing in your CV as your HR round interviewer will go through it thoroughly.

13 November 2013 One more thing in addition to what Vijeta has covered. Check which Business Unit they have called you for. EY has BU concept such as Banking and Finance, IIC, Entertainment, Government etc

It would be advisable that you gather industry knowledge for the Business Unit you are appearing for.

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