Slab Rates

This query is : Resolved 

09 March 2010 Please sent me new slab rates IND,Woman and Sr.citizens.

09 March 2010 from 01-04-2010....
0-160000 - 0%,
160000- 500000 - 10%
500000- 800000 - 20%
800000- final - 30%.
for women 160000 replaced by 190000.
for senior citizen 160000 replaced by 240000.

all above added by 3% education cess.
A surcharge of 10 per cent of the total tax liability is applicable where the total income exceeds Rs 1,000,000

09 March 2010 "A surcharge of 10 per cent of the total tax liability is applicable where the total income exceeds Rs 1,000,000"

Ratan Jha

Surcharge is removed from Individual , it is only applicable on Company @ 7.5%

09 March 2010 yes CA Robin Betala is right..

sorry for inconvineance..

09 March 2010 Mr. Jha
Surcharge has been removed. So only 2%+1% Cess is applicable on individual.

09 March 2010 Surcharge has been removed.

09 March 2010 yes. For individual no surcharge

09 March 2010 no surcharge for individual.

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