sir i m in big confusen..

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28 April 2011 dear,
sir i passed my ipcc exams in nov. 2010 both grup by hindi mediam..sir i want 2 ask u thad is there any prob. In future for job for hindi med. Student...
And sir i have also 1 more qus. That is there any loss in doing articelship from small city like kota...
Sir plz suggest me,
thnking u
Ahmed raja

28 April 2011 Ahemad, medium of language will not suffer any problem for job. Qualification will over ride the language. No need to confuse. Try to secure the qualification rest of the things will come automatically. If possible try to do your article ship in metros that you can improve your language part..

28 April 2011 hindi not a problem...but you should do articleship from a good firm not from small firms.

If possible do articleship from mumbai.

30 April 2011 ok sir..thnxu sir...and sir i m from hindi med. So in many f big firm in mumbai m not selected,.so sir i m joining a middle firm they give me rs. 4000 sir i join it or nt
plz suggest me

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